Wednesday, August 03, 2005

My brother.

My brother.

My favorite brother.

My only brother.

My brother.

He’s moving.

Too Montana.

In October.

I’m so excited.

Do you know the naughty things he is going to teach my son?

Can you actually get frequent flyer miles for emergency room trips?

Oh, and by the by, he’s still available. Anybody want him?


Susan said...

I'm so envious--I have one brother, who lives in Florida, and sees my children maybe twice a year, if we're lucky. And I adore him and would do anything to be taking him to the emergency room on a regular basis. Congratulations!

Leesa said...

He's a cutie! Married though. My sis is moving to Montana too, I'm very excited.

SierraBella said...

How cool!
Imagine all the new stuff your son is going to learn...

Homestead said...

My brother currently lives in Colorado... southern Colorado.... I can't wait for him to be here... and not just because I have a whole list of things for him to fix. Seriously.