Thursday, August 04, 2005


... the camera hospital called. My camera is back from the ICU and recovering nicely in a semi-private room. It can be discharged as soon as a responsible party is available to pick it up and care for it. I can fake responsible.... I'm going to get my camera.


Leesa said...

How did you manage?? I had to take my camera in once and it was gone for a week! It was horrible!

Homestead said...

I used the "still picture" function on the video camera... of course, now, I have NO IDEA how to get those pics off the video.... And I "borrowed" my mom's camera for a while.... but it just isn't the same..... I've been camera-less since JUNE 22ND.... that's criminal.... but the camera is back and the extended warranty covered the $145 repairs and I am SO HAPPY!!!

Joseph said...

Your post is making me contimplate a back up plan on the off chance that D70 (GOD FORBID IT!!)wasn't there. Seriously, I CAN NOT fathom what that would be like. LALALALA!!! (going into denial already)

Homestead said...

I seriously considered RENTING a camera... or buying one and returning it.... Not having photo-abilities made me question my reasons for being. AND... here's the funniest part.... I couldn't take anything apart while it was gone.... I'm known for, um, "repairing" things.... and I have to take photos while I tear stuff apart so I know how to put it back together. Seriously. It's odd.