Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Time Has Come...

... The Walrus Said.....

Time to turn on word verification.

I thought I was getting some "don't treat your child like a dog" comments and I was getting all ready to rock-em-sock-em robot and maybe drop the f-bomb a couple of times.... but no.... nothing but love, support and a few ads for Hurricane Katrina bloggers and weight loss.

Weight loss?!?! Well, there's the hate I was looking for.....


LadyBug said...

I got a penis-enhancement Spam email today with the subject line "Pump your stump."

Just thought I'd share that with you. (What? I had to tell SOMEONE!)

Homestead said...

Dare you to subtly work that into your next conversation...

LadyBug said...

Hmmm...I think I can do that, as I was just sitting here thinking, Man, I need to log off the computer and put the moves on Deputy Dad.

Hey Baby, how 'bout I Pump Your Stump?
