Thursday, April 27, 2006

O is for Orange


Tuesday I got to glug the orange sticky drink that ensures I will be able to eat m&m's with reckless abandon for the rest of my pregnancy. The doc sent the gooey stuff home with me with the following instructions: Drink it really, really cold and really fast.

I slammed it down at work just so my non-childbearing coworkers could revel in the nastiness. But you know what? It isn't that bad. It's way better than drinking prune juice & mineral oil. (Please don't ask.... or I will tell you in very specific detail.) In a strange way I rather enjoy the carbonated over-sugared goodness. It's like Sunkist on speed.

The moment of karmic realization came just after my appointment when I pulled a snack out of my purse (what? It had been AT LEAST an hour since I'd eaten last....) and saw..... ORANGE CREME flavored yogurt.

I almost stopped on the way back to work for a bag of those gummy-sugar orange slices.... just to complete the orangacious-trimverate that was my day.

*UPDATED: Yes, I got the call and I passed the test! Bring on the m&m's.....


Homestead said...

Glucose tolerance test. It is a bottle of orange-flavored, sugary tasting, slightly carbonated drink. You slug it down and an hour later they do a blood draw and test you for glucose-tolerance and potential for gestational diabetes. If you fail you have to do the longer version which involves fasting & testing every so often over a 3-hour period. My doc says it is the #1 most important advance in the world of baby docs since the RH factor thing. It lets them predict and manage a whole slew of complications that were baby & mama dangers in the past. I think that gives me a special fondness for the test.... it's "the little engine that could" of ob tests... not fancy or exciting like an ultrasound.... not scary like an amnio.... just a simple little test that helps so many people. Oh, now I'm getting all dewy-eyed over a glass of obnoxious wanna-be soda pop....

Susan said...

Okay, but DID YOU PASS? I'm waiting here . . .

PSUMommy said...

Yay! Its over! I hated it the first time (with my first pregnancy) but I'm convinced they've changed the formula or something.

I hope it went well!

Susan said...

Hooray for passing! Can I have some M&M's, too?