Monday, February 06, 2006

Single Parenthood: Day 1

I think we will have tofu hot dogs & velveeta grilled cheese sandwiches this week. Two foods I secretly love but would hate for anyone to know.....

The kid slept until 8:15 this morning. Which means I didn't get to work until 9:45. Good thing I worked 18 hours this weekend.

Hot Stuff called. He will be back Friday night. I'm counting the seconds....

Must figure out how to get to work earlier...... this morning I was up at 6:15, helped Hot Stuff gather his stuff and get out the door (good-bye's.... even long ones..... suck) by 7:00. Did a load of laundry, showered, dressed, checked email, took out the garbage, emptied the rest of my suitcase, emptied the dishwasher, fed Sweet Boy breakfast & dressed him, put the dog in the pen, loaded up the car & left the house by.... 9:00. How do people do this??


Joseph said...

I get up every morning at 6am so I can be to work by 9:30. I don't have a kid and I still have trouble getting out the door on time.

Homestead said...

Yeah, what is that all about?? It's not like I'm working out or spending a lot of time putting on eyeliner and fixing my hair....

Joseph said...
