Monday, February 20, 2012

Project: Mission: Organization: Make-a-list

I have the day off today and we were planning to ski but..... 66% of my kids are complaining of sore throats and the other 33% have some serious booger issues so we are going to stay low today. Doing some meal planning, a little baking (for the upcoming Carnival Event at school), and some much-needed scanning and organization of digital documents.  I'm also doing a bit of the eternal organization shuffle as priorities change..... winter gear is the goal.  We are set for sledding but now I'd like to add in skiing as an option......  our test-drive on Friday has me perking on some ideas.

I'm also doing some thinking. I'm slowly pulling out of my February funk and, while I don't like it when it is happening, the dense non-functioning funk of February usually results in some serious productivity when I do finally come out of it.

One of my big goals for 2012 is to make some to do lists. 


Let me explain.

Some sort of seasonal lists of things to do to keep organized.

For example:

Clear photos & video from cell phone & ipod & flip.  I am pretty good about getting things off my camera but not the cell, ipod or flip.  (See previous post for example.)  I could set a goal to do this yearly, semi-annually, or quarterly.  Make a note.... for now we will do it every 6 months...  February & August.

Gather tax materials.  I like to sort and organize this stuff during the Super Bowl.

Submit taxes to accountant.  I like to have this done by President's Day.  I have it ready today and can drop it off tomorrow.

Pay van & pickup insurance.  February & August.

Pay car insurance.  April & October.

Pay house insurance.  August.

So what else?  What do you do on an automated schedule?  Either consciously or unconsciously?

I should add clearing out the broken drawer... either glueing/sewing/repairing/tossing....  probably monthly.  And some laundry things... like washing the couch cover and blankets and pet beds. 


Christal said...

Pay taxes (real estate) due twice a year (when you don't have a mortgage), It helps to budget for them so you have the $ ready.

End of year, update calendars/reminders.

New year, check if benefits info/addresses/wills need updating. Sometimes you'll have phone number or address changes and I've usually found I find them out when Christmas cards come back.

Toy/clothing purge dates (good to do before Christmas)

We used to do seasonal clothing shifts because the closets were too small, so the clothing purges happened then.

Laundry is weekly, with sheets on Saturday and dog bedding is once a month usually the last weekend on a Sunday.

Elle said...

smoke alarm batteries and furnace filters . . . .

tax stuff . . .

scanning . . . i do that daily or weekly for sure . . i would be buried under a mountain of paperwork if i didn't . . . .