Dooce posted pictures of her daughter's room and got indignant email out of the deal. I thought I'd try for the same....
This picture shows 4 of the things I hate about this room. The peach (really, the photo just DOES NOT do it justice) carpet, the fake-wood trim (although it looks pretty good here), the what-do-you-call-that stripey wallpaper, and the stink bugs. The stink bugs invade on a regular basis... so much so that part of the bedtime routine is to hunt them down and smoosh them.
Cute Smokey Bear poster, huh? He has 3 of them and they were free... but shrink wrapping cost me a fortune. See the ugly light fixture? That's gotta be fixed. And I think I'll paint the blades blue. Can you see the new closet curtain on this side? I'm not sure I'm happy with it yet but it was in my fabric box so we'll try it for a while....Here's the kid bedroom. See the kids? Yes, we are testing the baby to make sure she isn't vampire by exposing her to intense sunlight. I'm not sure how she feels about it but she isn't squalling so it must not be too bad. Can you see the closet curtains? Shoulda taken another shot of them. And also the cool chalkboard and clever little playland of Little People behind the bed. See the trio of dinosaurs guarding the bed? Good idea, huh??
This is pretty standard for this room. Sweet Boy, in his Bob the Builder undies, playing. See the new closet curtain on this side? And we moved the Winchester posters (please, hate mail regarding gun posters in a toddler's room? Go ahead) and the headstall he won and you can see the Smokey Bear poster on the incline there.... Also the cool carpet that is for playing cars on one side and railroad tracks on the other. He loves that. The dresser... vintage '70's with some orbital sanding, new knobs & some chalkboard paint.
This is the coolest thing in this room. We call it The Cave. It's the over-the-stairs storage and this is a crummy photo (really, why are all these pics so crummy? I'm usually pretty good with the camera.... hee-haw.) I'm thinking of painting it various shades of blue and spray painting the curtain rod blue. Sweet Boy likes to jump out of here and land on his bed.
We call it a "dangerous trick" and, well, we'll meet you at the emergency room.....
So that's it. The bedroom. You can see all the work that remains. Mostly painting.... I think I can prime the wallpaper and paint over it since we can't quite figure out what is UNDER it..... And I can't paint without Elle so that will have to wait.....
Oh GOD! The stink bugs!
We get them too, along with the freakin box-elder bugs. They give me the squirms (and not in a good way). The freakiest part is that they don't bite, sting, or lay their eggs in your ears... they just mope along waiting for you to squish them.
holy shit, i remember sleeping between those very sheets in our college days . . the must be soft, soft, soft now . . .
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