Monday, June 19, 2006

Our own little Oxy-Clean commercial.....


M&Co. said...

Oh he has the BoyChild's haircut!

irreverentmama said...

Aw, lookit him all squooshed in there! Just like me, you run for the camera BEFORE you rescue him. HA.

And just what kind of animal is that behind him? Looks kind of goatish. That's its butt end, right? No?

Susan said...


LadyBug said...

A dog butt, a dirty sock, and an adorable boy, all in one picture! Who could ask for anything more? :)

Anonymous said...

Nice dog ass! And if you just put the lid on that container, you get some nice, quiet, relaxation time!

PSUMommy said...

*grin* So cute! My kids do things like that, too...there's just something about trying to squish their little bodies into even tinier containers...I think they get it from the cats.

Homestead said...

m&co.- Yup, "Hair by Daddy."

irreverentmama- rescue him? He WANTED to be in there. He really likes it when you push him around on the bare floors. That, behind him, that's the dog's butt.... not his best look.

susan- oh yes.

ladybug- actually, he was asking for pretzels....

onecruegirl- wait until you see the next picture.... he wanted the lid.