Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 13 . . . A post about people . . . .

Name a minimum of 10 pivotal people in your life.  Use these as starters and give a why.

A person whom you admire:
A person that inspires you to be more:
A modern day superhero:
Someone you'd like to be like:
Someone that scares you:
A quality that you admire and the person who embodies it:

1.  My Grandma:  Stylish but down-to-earth.  She loved to go places and watch The Young & The Restless.  She taught me how to drive (a grain truck, an a stick-shift Celica), how to wear jewelry and how to cook for a field crew.
2.  My Grandma:  Organized and self-confident.  She loved to travel and watch baseball.  She taught me how to pack for a trip, how to order a drink and to always keep a giveaway bag in the closet.
3.  More and More... My Grandpa:  He built me a doll house.  He takes me fishing.  He always has snack snickers bars for my kids.
4.  My Mom:  She is classic Scandinavian.  In looks, attitude and style.
5.  My Dad:  He shows that scary-looking, hairy rednecks can be addressed as "Doctor." 
6.  My Sister:  She seems to be doing it all.... gracefully. 
7.  My Brother:  My favorite dirt farming technology wizard.
8.  My Husband:  No matter what.... always my number one.
9.  My Kids:  They make me laugh at least once a day.  Everyone needs that.
10.  My Dog:  When all else fails....

1 comment:

Elle said...

I miss you guys.