Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pig Cold

Please. Can I get just a little more conflicting information about H1N1???


Clinic for kids age 6 mos to 4 years and caregivers of children under 6 months. Ok, great. I'm on it. Except.... it's the nasal spray.... a live virus. The NP recommended we NOT do that because we could shed the virus on the baby and give her the very virus we are getting vaccinated to prevent her from getting. (Did you follow that?) She was fairly surprised the health department was recommending the nasal spray to caregivers of infants.

Why don't these people talk to each other?

So, factoring in that we've probably already HAD swine flu (we've certainly had our share of Whine Flu at our house) I've elected to take the do-nothing route until the shot is available.

Am I doing the right thing?

Not sure.

1 comment:

SarahP said...

Want some more conflict? We were told that it is highly unlikely to shed the virus onto the infant. So I had the mist. As did my husband and our daughter. And our infant turned into Babe.