Thursday, April 16, 2009

Maple Bars

My 4-year-old looked at me and said, "Mom, what's a maple bar?"

I loved maple bars when I was a kid. We got them from the local bakery on Fridays after story hour at the library.... hot out of the oven. And sometimes mom would bring home a dozen "just because" and we'd stuff ourselves with them. (Actually, I think we gorged on them because we knew dad would eat them all that night and none would be left in the morning... the man can midnight snack like no one I know...)

Chalk this one up to just another way I've failed my children.... and know we will be hanging out at the bakery counter some Saturday morning soon to get fresh, hot maple bars.


kae said...

Mmmmm, maple bars. I know the exact maple bars you are talking about. I loved that bakery. Grandpa and I stopped every time we were in town.

Elle said...

"What's a maple bar?"

Homestead said...