Ya know I love Money Saving Mom. Well.... I also really like her other blog Mom Of Littles.
She has a master to do list for preparing for baby up.So I thought I'd work on my own list:
Review insurances (done, with Hot's help.... we changed some of our car coverage.)
Document household for insurance (video and photo... this was "begat" from the insurance review. We need to document what we have and get a copy to the insurance guy's office for safe keeping..... no, we aren't doing this because we are concerned Baby #3 is Satan Spawn....)
Get van registered and licensed (Due April 22nd, done)
Baby Stuff:
Dig out and wash all baby clothes (done)
Decide where to put baby clothes (the dresser in the bathroom... but that means moving all of Hot's fire stuff OUT of that dresser.... we compromised and the babe gets ONE drawer..... Hot is keeping the other.)
Figure out additional stuff to buy for baby. (gas drops, pacifiers, diapers... um, what else? I decided that is enough.)
Get hospital gifts for Sweet & Tuff (possibly mp3 players?)
Plan and pack hospital bag(s) (I packed the kid craft bag. I planned the kid clothes bag. We plotted out the great carseat exchange and I made careful instructions because it turns out Papa may end up by himself with both kids.... Next I need to figure out MY stuff..... the infamous grey bathrobe, some shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush, comb, chapstick, ponytail holder, change of clothes, eyeliner.... there... done.)
Find car seat bases and put in cars (Yeah, huh, can't find those bases.... I have the car seat but not the bases....)
Write out kid instructions and pack bags for kids for labor (done-ish)
Get thank you cards (done... I have a couple packs of little notecards.)
Design birth announcement (suggestions?)
Get stamps (Darn. Forgot to do this before the price went up.....)
Mama stuff:
Feminine hygiene products for post-birth (check.
Elle sent me a BOX)
Get new tennis shoes (Done. New Balance for Mother's Day.)
Plan post-baby wardrobe for the summer (you have to have a uniform and at least one outfit you look and feel great in..... people will want to go to lunch.)
Get 2 pairs cute elastic-waist shorts (I got one pair so far.)
Plan the mama 6-month list (new panties, a few wardrobe purchases, a major closet cleaning)
Plan the bedroom transitions:
Get new bed for Tuff (Hot is doing this tonight)
Measure Sweet's room and think about putting two twin beds in there (Done. We put both kids in the same room.... working ok so far.)
Find co-sleeper (Elle? Do you have it? Do I have it? Found.)
Measure Tuff's room and think about putting crib and full sized bed in there (Done.)
Think about bedside tables/chairs
Other nesting:
Continue to clean the garage (must be done by the end of summer)
Think about getting a double-door garage door opener and installation
Do the dreaded "June shopping" for all those birthdays
Plan meals and schedule for maternity leave
Decide the "summer projects" for this year (swing set/play area and paint porch posts and paint upstairs outside window trim)