Monday, April 19, 2010

I am the Walrus.

Or, rather, Bugsy is the walrus.... the snot walrus that is.

You know.

When they sneeze and magically have two tusks under their nose?  Ew.

I'm blaming it on some combination of a cold, teething and shots.  Seems reasonable.  She's happy... just boogery.  Well, let me rephrase that.... she's happy as long as you aren't trying to wipe her nose. 

That makes her a very angry humming bird.  Very angry.  She shoots dark darts with her eyes.

She's at that point... she knows what she wants.  And she squeals if she doesn't get it.  Ask her brother what happens if you take a toy from her... she yells.


Anonymous said...

Crap. I'm never going to think about sneezing or walruses in the same way ever again.

Christal said...

So, is everyone sick now, or are you without a computer? How is it going?