Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Hot & Smoky. Nothing else to report.

Is it a Bad Thing when your child is making soot angels in the fire ashes floating down from the sky?


Anonymous said...

update from the other montana fire widow--
just catching up on blogs & one-hand typing with the pickle in my arms--a healthy tho small baby girl born 7/3--6.5 weeks early, named Elaina.
one crue mom

M&Co. said...

Oh we need pictures!

One Crue Girl! I was just thinking about you the other night and wondering if you'd had your baby. You need to post pictures too!

M&Co at MyOwnCircleofConfusion

Homestead said...

Crue Mom- You must get a new blog. MUST. We need a pickle sighting. And the story.... Want. To. Hear. The. Story.