Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Morning Routine

Kae is talking about how long it takes to get going in the morning.

Since this is my first week working in the office 5 days I think it is a good time to review my own schedule and see if it needs adjusting.

6:00: alarm. My alarm is the sound setting... usually the rain storm one. Although this morning it was static... loud static... because some small person messed with it this weekend. Ahem.

Nurse the baby and get up by 6:30 at the latest.

Bugsy comes downstairs and sits in the bouncy seat while I shower and get ready. I have until just before 7:00 to do the following: shower, comb my hair, moisturize, put on my face (let's be real.... tinted moisturizer, eyeliner, curl/mascara, eyebrows... in my old age I've added mascara and eyebrows.... it used to be moisturizer, eyeliner & blush), brush my teeth (does anyone else have days when they think, "I don't have time for TWO WHOLE MINUTES with the electric toothbrush"????), dork around.....

Other things that need to be done that may get done before 7:00: make coffee, change and dress the baby, pack my lunch, get out daycare bag and put milk in it, make Sweet's lunch.

Hot usually makes Sweet's lunch. Bologna and cheese on wheat, granola bar, pretzels, carrot sticks, apple slices and a peanutbutter cup is the usual.

A few minutes before 7:00 Bugsy and I go up and snuggle Sweet and wake him up and decide what he wants for breakfast. He then grabs his clothes and comes down in front of the stove to dress. Tuff also gets up and does the same around this time.

Hot's alarm goes off at 7:00.

I turn on the Today Show at 7:00 for a few minutes of news while I dress and top off Bugsy.

Then I turn the tv off. This seems to be the key to getting it together in the morning.

Sweet eats breakfast and brushes and follows his schedule (on the fridge) while Tuff dorks around getting dressed. She eats breakfast at daycare.... a lifesaver since getting her to eat breakfast quickly usually ends in one of us crying.

Then I fix Tuff's hair and she brushes her teeth.

Hot starts my car and brings it to the front door for me.

Then comes coats and hats and baby's in bucket seats.

In theory I should be able to leave by 7:30 but it never works that way. It is usually 7:45. Sometimes it is 8. Hot leaves at 8 with all the kids and drops Sweet at school and the girls at daycare on his way to work.

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