Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Life, the Musical.

Sweet is doing something naughty.

I look at Sweet and say, "Stop."

He looks back, shakes his groovy thang and says, "In the Name of Loooove."


We are at a fairly formal party as a co-worker's house. She's a musical theater type gal with no children and a house full of doo-dads that are all highly breakable, antique, precious and expensive. I look over as Sweet stands up on a footstool, starts strumming his invisible air guitar, looks over his shoulder, channels Johnny Cash, and says, "Hit it, boys."


Due to some geographical shift during the Mesozoic Era, we have a lot of large, flat rocks we refer to as "stage rocks" and neither of my children can pass one by without jumping up and belting out a song. Select favorites include Sweet singing Slaid Cleaves "whiskey & cigarettes tonight" from Horseshoe Lounge, or an original rendition of "Kitty got run over on the road... now she's flat... squished like a bug.... I really miss her." And Tuff has a pretty well developed sense of melody for the Under-2 set but we need someone to translate her songs from Klingon into English.


M&Co. said...

When the GirlChild was little she would hold out her hand and say, "stop!" and David and I would start singing, "In the name of love..." She never thought it was as cute as we did.

SierraBella said...

Your kids are just too cute!
Glad you're teaching them the oldies.
I was playing a YouTube video of the old "Baby Come Back," and the grandson knew the lyrics from watching the "Transformer's" Movie. Made me feel good.