Can you think of a slang term for nipples?
Nope, me neither.
Wish Bucky read my blog..... she'd have one.
*** UPDATED ***
One Crue Girl wins. Tune in Tokyo. Every time I bare a breast to nourish the child I'm going to think of that phrase and start to giggle.
um . .how about nippies or chee-chees? ta-ta's and titties speak more to the entire breast, don't you think?
I knew the lactation consultant would have SOMETHING to add.....
I've said, "Nipple Sandwich" but that isn't really slang....
Do I dare ask *why* you're asking?
(Have you Googled it?)
Hmmm...I've heard "nips" but that doesn't really seem slang-ish. I'll have to ask my husband. He knows weird things like this.
I knew he'd have an answer! He said 'rasberries'...I'll let you know as he thinks of others. *grin*
Headlights? Raisins? Tune in Tokyo?
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