Friday, July 07, 2006

"Are your teats getting waxy??"

"Are your teats getting waxy??"

Ok, so that is going on record as the STRANGEST pregnant-lady question EVER. And guess who asked? MY DAD. He's a vet and, apparently, mares get waxy teats just before they foal. (And, hey, who knows?? Might help with that nursing nipple pain... maybe the horses are on to something.) But I do love how he refers to it as foaling. Not labor, not delivery... just, "So, have you foaled yet??"

The Wednesday stats: 39weeks0days. 38 cm... same as last week. Up less than a pound. 25 lbs for the pregnancy. 140-150 heart rate. Head down. No internal exam so nothing to report there. I did put in a few minutes in the outside hot tub (it isn't very hot but more like a warm bath....) and several hours in the pool this week so I'm hoping that helps the dilation.

My doc says, "You are at 39 weeks. You've had a text book pregnancy so far. You have a week left.... don't screw it up." I love that man. We discussed c-section rates in the area and his personal views on it. We also discussed car seat positioning for two in a car, a Jeep Cherokee & a bigger pickup with suicide doors. He told me the only way he can maintain an office practice as a family doc is because most women go into labor at night so he rarely has to cancel his office hours. Isn't that interesting?

I'm in that last little stage of pregnancy that I sort of forgot about... the one where you can't call anyone.... because when your number shows on caller id they answer all breathless and asking, "Is it a girl? Is it a boy?" and I have to say, "No, it's just me." And then they sound so disappointed. I can't handle disappointing people like that.

And the nesting..... I'm a nesting sort of person by nature.... pregnancy just takes it to a new level... a boarderline psychotic level..... Wednesday morning I decided I could start packing up maternity clothes. I was one week from delivery and I know he won't let me go more than 14 days over my due date so if I keep out my favorite 7 outfits and plan to wear each of them three times.... yes, people, this is mommy-math and it is going to do nothing but get funnier after baby #2 is born.....

And just for those of you wondering... the 7 favorite outfits are: 1. The 1940's curtains top (see previous picture) with denim capris. 2. the white Adidas t-shirt with pale blue capris. 3. the red Old Navy camisole top with dark blue shorts. 4. the black t-shirt with the black flowered skirt (a non-maternity item) 5. The blue-black striped stretchy shirt & denim skirt. 6. the white sleeveless polo and black yoga pants. 7. The stretchy pink & black flowered shirt & the black skirt or black capris. And, of course, the famous shamu suit.... I really must get pics of my maternity swimwear this weekend.... because you all deserve a good solid gut laugh for sticking with me through this whole post.

And with that.... I'm outta here. Maybe my next post will have baby pictures.... but probably not.....


Anonymous said...

"Have you foaled yet?" Oh my God that is the funniest thing I have ever heard. I like this one: "Have you crapped out that kid yet?"
I imagine this last week of pregnancy is the LONGEST week of your life. Only made harder by waxy teats!
Oh, and I scrolled down to your ice cream-on-a-belly picture, and you are just a fabulously gorgeous mama!

Anonymous said...

Sex. Copious sex can help soften the cervix because of the prostaglandins in semin.



Anonymous said...

The things that MaryP knows boggle my mind.

Waiting patiently to see if anyone wins on the DOB contest.

PSUMommy said...

LOL Your dad sounds awfully funny! Mine can't even say that I'm 'pregnant'...I actually overheard him telling his mother that I was "with child" when I got pregnant with my first. "With child"??? Er?

Anyway, wow, 39 weeks! I also giggled about you packing your maternity clothes. I'm adamant about not wearing maternity clothes after giving birth, but I forgot to hide mine so that's all hubby brought to the hospital. Sigh. And now, I'm realizing, I have absolutely nothing that fits. I love sports shorts.

I can't wait to read an I Gave Birth post from you!

Homestead said...

onecruegirl- From a personal point of view it isn't a bad week.... it's just the friends & family that make it INSANE. I've taken to calling people repeatedly and hanging up so their caller id is full of my name just freak them out.

Mary P- Didn't work last time but I'm willing to try anything twice.....

m&co- July 10th and counting.....

psumommy- "with child" always makes me look around.... like "Where??" Hospital trip home will be grey yoga capris & a dark red t-shirt.... unless I mess them up on the way TOO the hospital... then it will be my black sweats & a white t-shirt. OH.... and go to LAND'S END clearance... NOW. I got the cutest stuff..... cheap. A thing advertised as a sweater that's really a shirt for $17 and these cute tops in the workout section that are "wicking" and cute.... forgiving, but cute.