Wednesday, May 19, 2010

In case you were wondering what we do when daddy is working late.....

I was cleaning out the winter gear, washing and storing, I left to put in a load of coats in the laundry (in the next room) and I came back to this.....Yes, they are wearing face masks, ski googles, gardening gloves and jammies while they play "Wrestler Guys" in the living room.  I don't know where they come up with this stuff but points for creativity.... or I need to have a talk with the father-figure about what he is letting them watch on tv when I'm not around.


Elle said...

I like that mirror above the old college table. Hey, where's the couch??

Homestead said...

Pier 1. Purchased with the g/c from the realtor when I bought the hose in town....

The couch is, um, behind Tuff.... shoved under the staircase.