Monday, October 23, 2006

I was wondering.....

Nursing is a surge that sustains my baby and energizes me..... pumping is a drain the makes me tired and gives me a dry mouth. Why IS that??


Tiffany said...

Pumping just is not natural. I hate the fact that I cant seem to get enough milk when I pump to feed my baby. Whats up with that

LadyBug said...

Mostly because the baby is cuter than pump. Smells better, too.

PSUMommy said...

Because breastfeeding is just as much emotional and psychological an experience as it is physical?

Just a guess.

I don't envy you...I had to pump with my first and I HATED it.

Homestead said...

Tiffany- Have you tried all the usually tricks? Fenugreek capsules (they make you smell like maple), Mother's Milk tea, er, massaging the, um, appendages underneath and by your armpits while you pump, extra water.... changing the little white burpy things on your pump.... you know.... what are those called?

LB- Oh, she is cuter than the pump.... and more efficient.... although some days I question if she actually smells better....

psu- I've been taking the baby to work with me for the early morning part and then to daycare just to avoid a 3rd pumping session....