Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Builder Meeting Number Two

March 3, 2010

The builder met us at our house to do rough measurements. This, of course, meant we had to clean up our house a bit. But not too much.... I don't want to mislead them as to what kind of people we are, right?

There was much, "Huh, what do you suppose they did THIS for?" and "I wonder what THIS is..." discussion.

But they got the rough measurements. We found out the septic will probably be $7-8K. And demo anywhere from $10-15K. We can lower the price by getting rid of a lot of the stuff ourselves. A lot of it is based on the weight they have to haul to the dump. So we will be having a salvage party.

He will work on a design next.

Oh, and Hot wrote the first check. $2500 for designing the space and blueprints and whatnot.... half of that fee goes into the materials budget if we use him as a builder.

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