Monday, November 09, 2009

Christmas by the Week WEEK 6

Week #6 - "Shopping Week #1" Nov 9-15

Decorate your home for Thanksgiving and focus on gift buying for prepared list. Wrap and label packages as you go. Set aside needed shipping boxes.


SarahP said...

Is it wrong that I use the same decorations for Halloween and Thanksgiving? A few pumpkins scattered about, a couple scarecrows, and a fallish dish towel. Don't tell Martha Stewart. I am the worst holiday decorator ever.

Elle said...

decorate your house for thanskgiving? in the words of our old friend michael head . . . are you fucking kidding me right now?

Homestead said...

Hey... I just post 'em... I don't do 'em.

I decorated for Thanksgiving by putting away the truly Halloween decorations and moving the more "fall-oriented" Halloween decor to the center of the house... I was thinking of getting a fall dishtowel.

I wonder what Michael Head is doing right now?