Friday, June 19, 2009

The Longest Mile

Here's what you forget about the end of pregnancy...

.... You can't call anyone. Every phone call I make these days is answered with a breathless, "Hello... are you at the hospital?"

Um, no.

People I have a whole 'nother WEEK until my due date. At least. I'm not one of you early-Bessies. I go late. Days late. So chill out. (Watch me hatch tonight....)

In other news... I feel good. Way good. Too good. Not normal. No swelling, no puffiness, no weight gain (wait... should I be worried about that?), no major pains (although I am getting that "baby is low" strange nerve stuff once in a while). My back doesn't even hurt (although I feel I paid my dues in hip pain from the ankle sprain in February that lasted for months....) I have ankles. I have some strange brown freckles on my face but no real "mask" at this point. I'm still wearing my wedding ring (ok, yes, the larger band and not the rock but still....) I'm having contractions regularly but no regular contractions.... does that make sense? Doctor appt this afternoon. I'll keep you posted.


MeesheMama said...

I ave a friend who was due on the 9th. She had asked me to be there at the birth so I put it on my calendar. So daily a reminder pops up in my Outlook account that says, "Chrissy's due date- 10 days overdue." It's just painful every time.

I feel you. Sending strength in the last mile, and permission to wallow if you so desire. =)

(I must add that I can't believe you are this close. I feel like it was so recent that you posted the pic of the test...)

Elle said...

hang in there, sis . . . . do you want me to stop calling? i'm forcing you to perfect your "NO" answer. it's sounding more and more firm with each passing day . . . .

i'm really happy about your ankles. :) xoxo

Anonymous said...

HI, I am hoping all is well, and waiting patiently for your baby news!
