Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nesting.... at its worst.

Bargh. Spent most of the 3-day weekend looking at the stuff in my house and not liking it.

Let me make a whiner list:

Ugly couch. Frumpy.

Hideous recliners. (Is that redundant? Is there an un-hideous recliner out there?) Pink.

Icky carpet. Ugly linoleum.

Paint. I need to paint. I have the paint. I can't get motivated to paint.

Knick-knacks. Ugh. Just the word.

The computer corner. The giant monitor. The lack of solid internet. Ugh.

The dining room tinyness.... and lack of storage for mittens. I need mitten storage.

The pink Barbie shoe explosion that registers as my daughter's room.

The pain-inducing, toe-stubbing, transformer and action hero horror that is my son's room.

The laundry room. Ugh, the flooring again. And the desire for a beautiful new washer and dryer.

The bathroom. The outdated. The poorly designed and laid out.

The kitchen. You've seen the countertops.

Ugh, ugh, ugh.

I have a bad case of the gimmes and the toss-mes all at the same time.


Unknown said...

Oh girl! I think it's winter. Although in summer I feel the same, but spend all my time outside not looking at it. Just found a temporary hat/mitten solution days ago. The couch, did I choose this ugly plaid couch? Why is there so much shit in here? I am feeling your frustration.

Elle said...

it's a good time to tell you that i love you . . .
barbie shoes & transformers are necessity; the rest is lipstick and rouge . . but, i am intimately familiar with the urge to purge . . . i sold or threw out half the garage last weekend alone.