Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Welcome to My Wild Life

Subtitled: A post in which I say Shit more than 3 times... but at least this week the dog didn't find a skunk.....

Holy S-h-i-t. I just found out the neighbor has seen a bear in her yard every morning around 3 for the last two weeks...... our house is in BETWEEN her house and the giant pile of bear shit we saw down by the creek. That might explain some of the dog's behavior. And let's not get into what she is doing up at 3 every day, ok?

Sunday afternoon I was looking out the window and I saw a blur behind a tree. It looked like a very dark, very tall, very fast-moving deer. I had a momentary glimpse of it as it came out from behind the tree and all I saw were legs, wattles & palmated horns.... yup, folks, we have the first confirmed moose sighting EVER. Hot Stuff was upstairs and I hollered "HOLY SHIT, HON.... THERE'S A MOOSE HEADING FOR THE COMPOST PILE...." Or something similarly intelligent (simultaneously setting the dog to bark which made the baby wail in fright and sent the moose headed north).

We have the usual contingent of deer (two moms, three babies, a spindly spike and one other larger male that won't get too close) bu they seem to be celebrating a family reunion of sorts.... last night I counted over 20 deer within ball-throwing distance of the house.... and I'm not even a very good thrower..... Sad when you have to honk the horn in the driveway to get the deer to move so you can park. One of the babies is looking pretty pathetic.... thick necked and mangy looking.... maybe scabies? He is still eating but doesn't look good.... and all I can think is, "Please don't die in my yard...." Hot Stuff went out last night with the chain saw and cut some branches off the hanging willow tree so the deer could eat the leaves... they love the leaves. He mumbled something about the branches being too low but we all know the truth....

And our fourth and final sighting of the week?? I'll give you a hint.... Hot Stuff found a stash of dog food behind the dryer. Yup, you guessed it. I was reading a magazine last night, looked up, and saw Zippy the Mouse go cruising across the kitchen floor. Frag it. If you live on the edge of a grassy field you KNOW you will have mice.. especially in the fall... but do the little buggars have to add insult to injury by flaunting themselves and skipping around in the kitchen? I really miss having a kitty today.


M&Co. said...

See you have that excuse of living next to a field. I have no such excuse and we still have mice when it gets cold.

Anonymous said...

Frickin' mice are venturing into our house too. I hear a terrified squeaking, followed by a huge commotion of cat, and get up in the morning to find no dead mouse body. The cats usually hide it somewhere. That's bad!
It gets so that I shut the door to the bedroom at night, which usually results in cats scratching at the door, but at least no hantavirus terrorists are crawling on my bed or harrassing the baby. And there's the fear of the cats brining a "treat" into the bed. A dead rodent treat. Yum.
Oh, and currently there are 2 drowned Stuart Littles in the dogs' water dish. Country life, man.
Crue Mama