Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where is the milk?

Do you keep your batteries in the refrigerator?

What about nail polish... where does it live in your home?

Mayo or Miracle Whip? And regular, low-fat or fat-free?

Do you keep butter in the fridge or at room temp?

Do you have lard in your fridge? Margarine? Something else?

What is your opinion of spray butter?

Do you save ketchup/mustard/mayo packets?

What is the oldest identifiable object in your refrigerator?

Do you baking soda your fridge?

How much pop is in your fridge?

Do you say pop, soda or something else?

Do you have a second fridge in the basement or garage?

What do you do with old refrigerators?

Do you store eggs in egg cubbies in the door?

Where is the milk?


Anonymous said...

Since you asked:
No batteries in fridge. In a scary junk drawer, and usually only odd-sized batteries.

Nail polish lives in the fridge. We don't use the a/c that much in the summer unless it's like 110, and it gets clumpy and useless if it's not fridged.

Mayo...regular. And that nasty Miracle Whip for my hubby. Gross.

Butter's in fridge--room temp and melty butter is weird and for some reason smells like an udder.

No lard. But Country Crock, whatever that is.

Spray butter is a right-wing, Rush Limbaugh-listening, helicopter-moose-shooting mouth breather. But that's just my opinion.

I save all those packets...and never use them so I have a large collection that will probably explode one day.

Oldest identifiable object...probably some celery that is close to liqueifying. Holy crap I need to clean that out! There's also some really old teryiaki sauce and some black beans that need to go. Sheesh--I sound like a total slob.

Baking soda box is in there, but I don't really know if it works. Probably you have to exchange it once in awhile and not just shove it to the back behind the leftovers like old beans and runny celery.

No pop, and yes, we call it pop.

We have 2 fridges out in the shop. One usually has some beer and gatorade and the other has cow medicines.

Last time we had an old fridge, it aired out in our driveway for ONE MONTH (!!) and then someone came to take it for their own use. Good riddance, pink fridge.

Eggs stay in the egg carton. I don't have egg cubbies and that takes too long anyway and my last fridge that had egg cubbies used those cubbies for nail polish.

The milk is in the cow udders. Or in gallons (2% and whole) on the bottom shelf. Oh, and I think I still have a bag of frozen breast milk in the shop deep-freeze.

The weirdest thing (not that you asked) that has ever been in my fridge is a little styrofoam holder full of vials that contained little pieces of calf ears that we clipped during branding and had to send off to be tested for something or other.

Homestead said...

Oh.... weirdest thing... that's a good one.

We had a frozen bat.

What? My daddy is a veterinarian.... it needed rabies testing. I don't find that odd at all.

Right now I have a plastic bowl of frozen water with a penny sitting on top in the shop deep-freeze. I have a sneaking suspicion it is getting warm and cold.... if the penny is sunk into the ice I will know I need to go shopping for a new freezer.

MeesheMama said...

Wow, this is like a "Fridge Meme".