Monday, October 04, 2010

The Perfect Morning

Do you ever have one of those mornings?  No, not THOSE ones... the ones where things are perfect and smooth? 

Let me tell you about my Monday.

Hot's alarm rings at 5.  I think,"Is it hunting season?"  Hot doesn't get up.  My radio goes on at 6.  Hot gets up.  I nurse Bugsy.  Apparently Hot WAS planning to get up at 5 and go walk.... so that explains the alarm.  At about 6:30 I roll out of bed (late.... I need to be up by 6:15) and wander around for a while with a sleepy baby grinning on my hip.  Hot already has his lunch made and Sweet's lunch made.  Coffee is brewing.  He's showered and ready to go.  I stumble into my clothes and drink some coffee and am thankful I showered and put out clothes the night before.  Hot gets the big kids up about 6:45.  They stumble downstairs (they ARE my kids) and dress in the living room while I dress Bugsy.  Sweet eats breakfast and brushes.  Tuff brushes and I do her hair.  Shoes and jackets.  Tuff, Bugsy & Hot head out the door at 7:12.  (Must leave by 7:15 or get stuck behind buses and be late.)  They are off to daycare where the girls will eat breakfast and have a great day.  Hot will be to work plenty early and have time for a quick read of the paper and one more cup of coffee.

Sweet and I look at each other and realize we are totally and completely ready to go at 7:15.  The house is still clean and the beds are made and a load of laundry is on the timer in the washer to be finished when we get home.  So we play cards for 30 minutes.  For the record:  He beat me 3 times... once at King's Corner and twice at Speed.  We head out the door about 7:50 and I drop him at school a few minutes after 8 and I arrive at work at about 8:15. 

Amazing grace.

This is how mornings are SUPPOSED TO WORK.  I got to work all calm and ready for the day.  It was incredible.

Now talk to me about how things go on Tuesday.

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