Saturday, January 30, 2010

Homestead's Delicious V1

I was sorting through my delicious account the other day and thought I'd share.

Lion Brand Yarn. Discovered via Martha Stewart Living. They have some cutie pie patterns for knitters. Even though my knitting abilities are limited to crooked doll blankets I have high hopes for someday becoming a true knitter. Just look at the adorable toys. And a bikini? Yes, this is what I want to become.....

Shabby Princess. I found this looking for a recipe card template to print my fabulous shrimp dip recipe for a friend for Christmas. I am not a digital scrapbooker but I have great aspirations to become one someday. ('Cause lord knows I don't have the patience for the process of regular scrapbooking... or for the storage of materials or those big-ass albums.) I even got photoshop elements for Christmas. Add this to my list of "things to become."

Kindergarten Blog. I found this while searching for some clip art for the infamous morning schedule we created. It is quite a nice little blog and has great clip art.

Do2learn. Also found this while searching for clip art. But bookmarked it because several of the things on this website apply directly to my job. Nice find.

Pancakes & French Fries. You know I'm a sucker for anyone combining kids and design and paint. What's not to love?

1 comment:

SarahP said...

I subscribe to the Lion Brand Yarn enewsletter, and let me tell you, they have the cutest patterns. Not that I have time to actually knit these days...I'm working on a baby blanket for a coworker, and I knit about 2 rows a day. At this rate, the blanket will be a college-going-away gift for her kid.